how do i get thicker/ shiny-er hair??
any home-based products?
Thicker hair??
Don't know of any home-based that really work. But, I do know that Minoxidil 5% for men (brand name: Rogaine) really does work for me. (I'm female)
It took several weeks to notice the difference, but now I've been using it about 3 years and I'm pleased. Extreme thinning/baldness runs in my family in the older ladies and it worried me cause mine was getting thin. The Rogaine was expensive, but now you can get it generic cheap (ebay). BUT YOU MUST BE CONSISTENT -- USE EVERY DAY.
Thicker hair??
I dont know home-based,but try coconut cream.Indian women have thick hair,right?They use coconut cream.Try it %26amp; Good Luck!
Thicker hair??
A few years ago I was quite sick and a lot of my hair fell out. I went to a hairdresser to get a haircut that would help not show that my hair was quite thin .. and she advised me that my scalp should be massaged as often as possible ... especially during a wash .. but otherwise, whenever I could do it. She said that a good solid scalp massage clears the skin and stimulates hair folicules so growth becomes possible. Well, I've not used any special products, but my hair has been growing back so I think at the very least, if its not science .. it at least feels good .. and its helping me. I don't see why this can't work on anyone who wants thicker, healthier hair.
Thicker hair??
honey and mayo don't work thats all i know
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